Recent Website Updates

- February issue of the PentaGram newsletter posted.
- Updated Member Roster for February posted.
- ALL EMAIL Addresses have been removed from the website.
- Updated list of car shows and club interest posted.

** CAR SHOWS! **
For lists of upcoming car shows and car related events
click on the Car Shows & Other Events
drop-down menu link under the Club Activities above.


Mopar News Items
(contributed by club member Robert Gough)

From Hagerty News
Tim Kuniskis Un-Retires to Head Up Mopar's RAM Division

From Fox Business:
Stellantis CEO abruptly resigns amid differences with board

Opinion: Is Stellantis in Trouble?

A proposal to Stellantis
Keep Chrysler Dodge Brands alive for Americans

The HEMI Isn't Dead Yet

Jay Leno's Garage/YouTube videos:
Reviving a Legend:
Restoring the Iconic Chrysler Turbine Car

General automotive topics of interest ...

Awesome speech in CA legislature
courtesy of club member Aaron Bourdage:

"Pry My '68 Mustang Gear Shift Out Of My Cold Dead Fingers"
LaMalfa Slams Proposed Classic Car Ban

From Mopar Connection Online Magazine:
The REAL reason behind the push to EV's
(Focusing on the new Charger Datona EV)

From Garage
A restoration cost analisis

A bit of history:
How the hemi dominated the 1964 Daytona500

New Sox & Martin Enthusiast website launched!

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About SEMA


URGENT: Send a Letter to EPA
Opposing California’s ICE Ban

WARNING: California Introduces Bill to
Mandate Speed Limiters

For a list of other related legislative actions
SEMA is following, click here:
Legislative Actions

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Mopar Club San Diego has partnered with ARI Appraisal to provide a 10% discount on online auto appraisals for all our members using the discount code: SANDIEGOMOPAR.

ARI Appraisal provides the easiest, cheapest and fastest way to get a professional appraisal on your vehicle so you can protect your investment - all through an online platform. We specialize in classic, custom or otherwise unique vehicles. Our appraisals are used for insurance purposes, estates, divorce, financing, charitable donations and more. Our appraisals have even been accepted by the likes of Le May Auto Museum for their displays.

Please check out for more information and to get started on an appraisal of your classic Mopar.

Hagerty Ins

How much is your classic Mopar worth?

Use these valuation tools
from Hagerty Insurance and find out

Need help in finding the least expensive gasoline prices in our area?

Gas prices in San Diego - price comparison
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MOPAR Technical Help for members
If you have a MOPAR technical question you'd like answered, please call our resident "MOPAR Techie"
Steve Williams @ 619 988 0778

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The Mopar Club San Diego is not affiliated and has no association, or is in any other way
connected to or with Stellantis Corporation. We are simply automotive hobbyists who love and
appreciate the vehicles produced and sold by the original Chrysler Corporation.